Running Void Linux in Chroot on Android
May 06, 2020
Introduction So I decided to mess around with my Fire 7 tablet and see if I could get a chroot environment of Linux. I used Void because it is quite lightweight and is perfect for testing! Tutorial So first off this is what you will need: A rooted Android device Linux A reasonable amount of free space (at least 8GB) Void Linux Root FS Now we can get started! Download these apps and install them to the device using adb…
AARCH64 Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry Pi 4
Apr 10, 2020
Introduction So you may know about the Raspberry Pi, a single board computer designed for embedded applications and DIY projects. You may also know that some people use them as desktop computers. However, one of the biggest problems when it comes to the Pi 4 is poor 64bit support. There is little to none in mainline and the downstream kernel is a bit old. We won’t be fixing that problem but we will be running Arch Linux on the Pi 4 in 64bit mode, be aware that we are using an older kernel and it’s not the latest mainline support.…
Running Mac OS X 10.2 in QEMU
Mar 21, 2020
Introduction If you remember my old blog (it no longer exists btw), I had a post where I ran OS X 10.2 in QEMU. That got popular so I decided to rewrite it in my jekyll blog. Tutorial First off this is what you need: OS X 10.2 isos QEMU A computer with a reasonable CPU and enough RAM (recommended to have at least a Core 2 Duo and 4GB RAM) Command line knowledge Patience Now we can get started!…
Restoring and updating iOS devices from Linux with iDeviceRestore
Jan 07, 2020
Introduction You may be a Linux user, but you may have an iPhone as well. Occasionally there will be times when you’ll need to restore and update your iPhone. You may think that because you’re using Linux you are unable to restore or update your iOS device without a virtual machine or dualboot. Thankfully this is not true. Thanks to the developers behind libimobiledevice there are new tools to do the restore and update process directly from Linux.…
One year of Linux on the 2010 MacBook Pro
Dec 24, 2019
Introduction So I got the 2010 MacBook Pro to use as a MacBook for school and on the go. I started using macOS in 2016 when I built my first hackintosh because I liked the user interface, the dock at the bottom, the bar at the top, and it looked nice together. However as I started getting into embedded development and some other stuff I quickly realized that macOS was insufficient for what I needed to accomplish.…
How I triple booted my MacBook Pro
Dec 01, 2019
Introduction Important: This has only been tested on the MacBook7,1 and MacBook Pro7,1 and I take no responsibility if something goes wrong! So I’ve been thinking about doing this for quite a long time. You may think well it’s just a MacBook so it can’t possibly be that hard, I mean PCs have been doing this for years. Well yes and no. Before I explain why let me just tell you a bit of back story to why I needed to do this, I’ve basically been in a situation where I need to use Windows while on the go (yes it’s rare but sometimes happens).…